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1. Submission
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2. Reporting
Your intellectual property is our priority.
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Your questions answered.
How safe is
Short answer: Very safe
Long answer: Any successful submission through is 1) encrypted and kept secret; 2) evaluated by an intellectual property (IP) expert who is automatically bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA); 3) reported on by way of a PDF that’s safely delivered to your mailbox; and 4) further dealt with in terms of strict data-handling and privacy procedures, such as the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). More on the T&Cs
Who will see my work?
Only the team of qualified IP experts will have access to a successful submission. We are automatically bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), which means that your IP is handled confidentially and for evaluation purposes only. We’ll compile a PDF report for you within 24 hours from the time of submission, and deliver it safely to you by email. More on the Privacy Policy
Why must I check if my work can be protected?
An idea you think of, and simply talk about, cannot be protected by law—only once you turn it into something tangible (like a business proposal, article, prototype, design or script), can you possibly own it. Your report will confirm all the ways in which your IP could be protected, and you can use our expert-recommended monetisation tips to build on it.
What is included in my report?
Besides a detailed IP protection strategy and expert recommendations, the report you’ll get by email will confirm which forms of protection you'll need in order to claim exclusivity to (and monetise!) your work. You might need to get trade mark protection, copyright protection, design protection, patent protection, domain protection and/or commercial contracts in place.
What can I do if someone steals my idea?
An idea can only be considered stolen if someone copies the tangible version of it, like a prototype, design or script. This does get tricky and it’s best to share your concerns with one of our IP attorneys.